I've been told many of the BS stories you would find on "Targeted Individual" sites. I won't bother repeating them, as they're just lies to help frame a victim as mental. My understanding is that Wesley Marks and Onision (or the person taking over his identity before 2010) want to make sure that the only […]
Victim are forced into prepared sites. At these sites, former victims, and active stalkers would live. Important is that it has to be old houses, so that the ancient outlets can be turned into weapons to target the victims. When I recently changed the SSID of my Wi-Fi into “BDK”, a storm broke out in […]
Firstly, Onision doesn't live stream. On closer look, you will find that his "live" streams are fake. Whether it's partners in crime or deep fakes. Most of the conversation between Onision and me had been deleted. Back in August 2020, he offered a Google form and asked me to fill it out. He said, he […]
Over the years, and especially in the past months, Wesley Marks and Onision have either destroyed (power surged?) or stolen many of my devices. Several time when I approached a nearby house, my Bluetooth headset said "S+". It's the name of one of my stolen devices. The window is open 24/7. I learned today that […]
How can Onision massively alter uploaded YouTube videos? For instance, removing cocain from the table behind him, a cup apparently sitting in thin air.... I asked him to redact his peepee. (Before you judge.... you try to get a paranoid extreme stalker to give you receipts.) He then deleted many videos - and altered most […]
These were Onision's words at 5pm on either April the 2nd or 3rd. High on cocaine, like he usually would be until April 2020, he uttered these words (in German): It's the first time I see you without a camera. What a sicko sentence is that even? What he's saying is that he's watching me […]
Here's where I am at: Reverse audio remove noise slow down Does it appear the following ??? filter ??? is used: It's called: isomiso2mp41 As we know, Onision loves his electricity. At least that's what audacity shows when I manipulate the original audio. Can you understand this? Here's the original video. Please note, that it […]
Do any of your friends have several allegations of abuse, framing, hacking, and similar things against them? Mine neither. There's something about Wesley Marks' public YouTube slander cases that's less deadly, but otherwise very similar to the real-life death hunts. Various women, including his ex-wife, make serious abuse accusations against him. The same goes for […]