We're investigating a real life murder attempt

The goal of this crowdsourcing initiative is to leave information that police/CIA/Secret Service/FBI have, but have not acted on.
We have murder attempts, ad-fraud, deepfakes, advanced hacking, and then some.
What's the last straw that's killing me is that my payments get stolen, and law enforcement isn't doing as little as recovering a stolen inheritance, which would be as easy as 1, 2, 3.
This site is public, but all of my content (of which a small fraction is shown here) belong to James O'Keefe (not Project Veritas and Michael Bloomberg.)

The site will go away when the two main actors are brought to justice.
RLMM background


American victims, a few corrupt individuals and a classic street gang do little favors for bigger predators. We'll report them.


German criminals come to the United States of America to harm and kill American citizens, and form international cybercrime chapters. We'll report them.


Together, we will surf through the waves of misinformation spread by the two main actors, and find a few clues to make crimes of an unbelievable size plausible, with receipts
Frank Teabo

The profile of "Lord Teabo Baggins" caught my eye for three reasons: Frank Teabo on Twitter According to Twitter (and going by the email "Lord Teabo" shares on his YouTube channel) this is Frank Teabo Frank Teabo on LinkedIn On LinkedIn, he has two profiles. His IT background and experience in home security would be […]

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Wesley Mark Gang Stalking Training Manual

While I cannot claim that I have been a victim of gang stalking, Wesley Marks, since May 2022, uses some methods described below. That it's not gang stalking (at least in my case) is likeable through certain factors, including that Wesley Marks left traces and leads all over the place. I've been stalked by one […]

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Onision would do anything to talk to you

From 2006 to 2010, Onision would mostly pretend to be my ex. This sounds strange, unless you know that he's able to hack any electronic form of communication. As I only learned in September 2022, Wesley Marks and Onision possess tapes from 2004 recorded in the apartment of my ex. With this information, Onision could […]

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Onision the Voyeur

In my opinion, most self-allegations of Onision are made-up. There's nothing to them. Onision is a voyeur. The illegal type. In his mind, surveillance and extreme stalking are a relationship form. According to him, the death hunt happened “because I leave him.” I have not seen Onision in my life. I don't know how he […]

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Example: How to get people to not drink
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How Wesley Marks and Onision got me evicted
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Example “We control animals”

I would like to share a few stories that can help you understand why some victims of this "gang" stalking say irrational things: Wesley Marks told me they can take over and control animals. That they then can see through the animal's eyes. I witnessed on more than one occasion that animals reacted strangely. We […]

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How Onision told me Marc is not stalking me

One day, many years ago (sadly too late to report, I assume... perhaps not because it's involving the police) I spoke with my ex Michael. He messaged me to contact him because he received a "Anzeige" about a theft. Before I left Germany, I sold some of my items on eBay, so that I'd have […]

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Why the Lake County Sheriffs referred me to the FBI Chicago

When I arrived in the United States in 2011? (It could have been 2010, but I'm confident it was 2011), I used my legal first name as last name, and made up a new first name. Little did I know about the lack of privacy and data protection in the United States, and it didn't […]

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Onision's Halloween Death Threat

Any profiler or hobby detective will soon notice a pattern in Onision's way to communicate with fearful victims “inconspicuously.” Back in Germany, checking a site called "Wer kennt wen" was my only way to see the “state of danger” and get hints on what he was doing against me. Over time, Onision literally destroyed this […]

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