Hidden Threat Emails From "Amazon"

I received three and then some in less than one week.

More on the situation with Amazon: HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.

Email 1

This isn't as much of a threat, than a hacking/stalking problem. As requested, I responded to a message from “Amazon” with screenshots. Then, I received a message back that the message was undeliverable. They love to stream that on their gang stalker servers, because they're little, foul, lesser creatures and need to come in anonymous hundreds, with illegal weapons, to try to get rid of a single regular person. It's fun for them, if the person they murder is frustrated, and gets fearful because they cannot reach anyone anymore.

As you can see in this article: Preparation Sima is going to vanish, they took out my login email from my Zoho account. That once was a business account, and is now only angry screaming into the void.

This is live-streaming on Facebook, and because the constant stress, I don't rule out (slim chance), that I got it wrong. That I was so used to the pretend "bounced" emails, that I didn't even check. I think the email has been either changed (or it's an HTML trick, for instance via Adguard or Chrome) or somehow tampered with.

Like, what's the point of sending a “we received your message” message when you state that it's a “no reply” message.

You can download the headers HERE.

Can you imagine my surprise, when I realized a search for this email leads me to alleged pedophile Phil Provins, aka Jay Moe, Jim Browning, Baked Salmon?

Email 2

I received that in the context of issuing a Request for Settlement against Prime NOW, LLC. They poisoned me twice with Aplenty food, hijack orders... the easiest is you look HERE.

If you follow my temporary Facebook account, you know, that after they broke in to deliver completely warm/molten frozen and cool items, they took out the cooler in this horror room. I live-posted about it. I had to throw out a lot of food from the last "delivery" anyway, and as the frozen product was warm, it cannot be used for long anyway.

As they “vanish” people, they try to make sure that there are no signs of you. Therefore, Amazon doesn't even see my orders. They are ONLY in the spoofed, hijacked version, stored on a NordVPN server in Afghanistan.

Therefore, this is a clear and not even hidden threat.

Headers: HERE

Email 3

This people do not work for Amazon. If they talk about “reviewing my account”, and similar things, it worries me. I understand this message as “you don't have evidence”, really. The email is from a fake email, and it goes as far as telling the police how to contact Amazon, and that via a fake email.

A Message from Kit with Amazon Executive Customer Relations

AM <>

Thu, 22 Jun 2023 2:02:00 PM -0500INBOX







TLSLearn more

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Your AccountAmazon.comMessage From Executive Customer RelationsHello Margarita,

My name is Kit with Amazon's Executive Customer Relations team. I tried to give you a call at the number listed on your account and regret that I missed you.

I learned of your recent delivery experience, and wanted to take this opportunity to reach out on behalf of our executive team.

Can you provide a good time to call you back?

Thank you for sharing your experience, as we take customer feedback seriously. What you described doesn’t reflect our standards for delivery providers, and we apologize for the experience. As a longtime Amazon customer myself, I understand the desire to have your ordering experience be quick, efficient, and most importantly, stress-free.

As reviewing your account and your order 113-2765266-2035418, I see your address notes on your account state to deliver to the mail room. Is there a mail room in this apartment building?

With that said, did the driver enter the building, mail room, or into your apartment? Can you please provide video evidence to ensure that  the local delivery station to ensure this is fully investigated and the appropriate actions taken.

I see that the apartment building has requested the packages to be handed to the resident only and not left unattended.

In the meantime, if you have any photo or video evidence of the incident you'd be willing to share, it would be invaluable to the delivery station’s management team during their investigation. If you’d take the time to respond to this email and attach the requested evidence, it would be appreciated. If you receive a message stating that the evidence file is too large, services like Amazon Photos, iCloud, Google Drive, Google Photos, and OneDrive allow you to upload the file and create a link to share. Please make sure that the link is visible to everyone with the link, rather than creating a link that only another account can access.

I want to assure you that any evidence shared is for our internal investigation only. We won't pass any of your personal information or details involving your delivery to the driver.

In addition to our internal investigation, we encourage you to contact the police if you feel unsafe or require immediate emergency assistance so they can investigate. We'll happily cooperate with the police as part of their investigation and in relation to any steps they'd like us to take.

The police can contact our Law Enforcement Response team directly using the following email address:

Please be advised this email address is only for police correspondence and any emails sent by non-law enforcement personnel won’t receive a response.

Thank you so much for your cooperation. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Best regards,
Executive Customer Relations

Headers HERE.

Email 4

I did not request an “account review” by non-Amazon gang stalkers, and I did not say I have a security problem.

... to be continued. I received several more. All from fake emails. I post this, because there's so much other stalking to report, and it kind of shows the audacity of these "New World Order" mass murderers.

A few data broker reports of fake addresses used are HERE