Please read the second part here. While I felt partially like a Karen posting the first part, it gets real from there.
As these things happen daily or more than once per day, I have a recent examples of how the stalking works that people perceive as gang stalking. However, I'm convinced it's Onision only in my case. A rich guy with a ton of companies and connections.
He runs several call centers (in my mind, and according to his word)
Onision is very clever. He doesn't go after managerial level, but shoots low. You might get the impression there's a problem with a company, when it's only the local installation guy, home inspection guy, IT guy etc. It's the local delivery guy or the minimum wage order in support. For instance, there's a problem with the IT guy of my ex partner's company too. See HERE
The Lenovo laptop problem is described HERE. Partition copies of the boot and recovery partition are available HERE.
To make my claim sound less hysterical, have a listen/look at how my last chats went.
I cannot tell you how making myself a public person, and sharing all these embarrassing details, hurts. However, it's the only way to hold one of the next person accountable, and make the problems public. Again, it's not Amazon or UPS or all the others. It's a few (so far only black) people in low positions within the organization.
With this Amazon issue, we'll add the first Indian-sounding people to the mix.
I managed to speak to a supervisor. They said they organize a pickup, and that they will refund 20% upfront, for the restocking fee.
The call:
I was already very tired at this point. But I need a laptop. So I picked another laptop, added it to my cart, and waited for the refund of the restocking fee to my Amazon EGC.
The email of the CS (in my mind, also not a supervisor) didn't reflect what we discussed, and what you hear in the audio. I tried to respond to the email, but the email bounced.
Seven hours later, I contacted the support again, as I didn't receive the refund the supervisor initiated.
In this painfully slow and ineffective chat, the agent wasn't willing to look up the history. We were back to that they won't refund the restocking fee for the hacked computer they sold as new, that wasn't new (according to files from several months up to nine months earlier. And, yes, obviously the "last modified" date or the date of deletion.)
I didn't record the full chat.
A ... technical issue disconnected the chat at this point.
The next chat:
Three agents explicitly refused to provide their last name or the initial of their last name. In one of the calls, a "supervisor" confirms, that they can provide this information.
I know that Onision has call centers. When I repeat what Onision has told me, I cannot warrant the accuracy of his statements though.
He said that he personally hopped on the chat and issued the partial refund. The agent did not have to check with their supervisor, and it was really quick.
I'm not sure who does the books at Amazon, I was surprised to receive the promised partial refund for the restocking fee, I wasn't willing to pay, for a $10 body lotion.
On 12/12, the parcel was sitting in the mailroom with "Amazon return" written on it in big letters. The driver entered the mailroom, and, according to a neighbor, handed the neighbor the label. He didn't take the parcel that was next to him, he didn't put the label in my mailbox (over the parcel), but he gave my label to the neighbor.
I contacted Amazon (below is the voice recording) and they organized a new pickup.
The CS agent was very friendly. A little overly friendly, and he sounded as if he might assume there would be more problems. I would love to be treated just normal, like before the stalking.
Today, the driver put the label on top of the parcel, as you can see in the image.
Every single incident can be perceived normal incompetence, the sum cannot. You'll hear story after story, especially with Amazon as - so he says - he is (potentially with a fake identity of a vanished person as you see in article after article here) the provider.
Once again, the driver put yet another label on top of the parcel, but didn't take it. I'm wondering, if this is really a UPS problem, or still the people Onision, according to his own words, told to give me a hard time. However, I disagree that you cannot show the "little things" stalking clearly. Or do you feel anything about this is normal?
In the "PS" you can hear the call with yet another CS agent who stated the laptop was marked as received back in the warehouse. Amazon refunds on driver scan, and the partial refund was not even for this item. That said, she said it's marked as back in the warehouse.
I assume Onision really doesn't want the laptop back. After all, it's not Amazon but likely only a few rotten apples who provide what might be stalking services and ship out tampered with items as "new."
I contacted UPS via Twitter, but I'm not sure that I spoke with UPS. The information is false, and we have the next agent unwilling to identify. I'm positive UPS isn't saying since .. this month?, because it has never been the case, you have to stand in front of your door from 10am to 7pm. Because the driver didn't call or ring.
Again, I don't blame UPS at this time. I think Onision really doesn't want this laptop back at the Amazon warehouse. It's more likely that this is a display of his hacking skills than a representation of UPS customer service.
I will contact the customer service once more, and share how it went.
I didn't post here that I had reported this to the BBB. However, it looks as if there was a problem in communication as well.
The Amazon BBB agent has obviously not received the information I sent. I don't think they would step back from "no restocking fee" after they've seen the information and prior chat. They are also unaware that I did receive the restocking fee - refunded towards the purchase of a hand cream.
Additionally, pickups never happen on the day Amazon schedules them. There was another label today. However, pickups are ALWAYS on the next business day, and this email was sent today, in the morning, at 4pm.
Amazon has a huge security problem, and what looks like a stalking problem with their potentially outsourced support. I'm not sure at this time if sending emails to Amazon is helpful.
The UPS driver did not show up. A quick normal sounding chat agent scheduled another pickup for tomorrow.
Also, a fresh delivery was not delivered. No GPS info or delivery image was available, and the CS could not reach the driver.
The pickup did not take place. UPS did not show up.
Finally, the parcel has been picked up at 12.30pm today. By the driver. However, the status as of right now said "Return label left with customer". Hopefully, there's no more trouble along the road.
Whether it's just a single person influenced by "someone" or Amazon hired Onision's team They need to clean up their sh***.
I checked with UPS, and they confirmed it's with them. Woah, finally.
Sadly, it's not everything, but most things that have become difficult and time-consuming like this.
A minute ago, I received a message from Amazon stating they accepted my return. However, the item has been picked up earlier today. It's also a dropoff. What I requested, and what has happened, is a pickup.
I really cannot afford to continue paying for stalking damages.
At this time, it seems unlikely that it's not stalking by at least one Amazon employee, or their system is hacked.
It's easy to become paranoid, when you experience long-term extreme stalking. However, Amazon didn't honor their first statement, even though they can look it up in the chat history regarding this item.
People who were likely not supervisors, identified as "members of the leadership team." All of them refused to identify properly.
I then spoke with a supervisor, who said they already had credited the 20% restocking fee. It's strange that this is even a discussion, when Amazon verifiably sold a machine that has been tampered with. Well, that it's been tampered with can only be verified by looking at the machine. That it wasn't new, and that the Lenovo chat referred be back to Amazon can be verified by information I shared in my review. I also offered copies of the relevant partitions, and a memory dump.
I'm already scared to report minor missing items, because I'm fully aware "my" history of problems must be over average, and might make me look like the problem.
I purchased the Lenovo laptop with Amazon monthly pay, but I will still need to get it back to Amazon.
The problems continue with the pickup. For three days in a row, UPS delivered a label (on two occasions they put the label on top of the parcel), but didn't take the parcel. My guess is that this, too, would be an Amazon-initiated problem.
That said, I cannot stress enough that I fully understand Onision has a few people in the "right" places, and it has nothing to do with Amazon itself, who probably outsourced CS.
It's very problematic for me. First, Onision stalked me poor, then he orders a death hunt on me.
Not only because local black cops were involved in the near-deadly death hunt, also because some other folks are cat calling extremely, I wouldn't feel safe walking around in this horror city, before the problem is solved.
I always had a car since I got my driver's license, but cannot afford it anymore at this time. So, I have no car, walking around in the worst part of a ghetto city is dangerous, and I rely on deliveries and pickups to work. Onision has call centers.
PS: At the time I am writing this, my internet when back on after nearly three hours.
PSPS: I'm on hold now with Amazon CS again about the pickup, and they're saying the item is marked as returned to the warehouse. I'm trying to re-schedule the pickup. Why would that be? Could it be that Onision really doesn't want the laptop that has been tampered with and used by him to produce horror noises, and cause all the problems you see in different posts back?