PayPal Stalking Escalated

First of, please know that this is NOT stalking BY PayPal.

The first part is HERE.

This group of criminals, the gang stalkers, open fake accounts in the names of victims, to redirect any payments they might receive. They also open PayPal accounts, and it looks as if they took all donations I so far received, and redirected it to a different PayPal account, I don't know about.

What else did they do? I don't know. Every vanished person's background has the same pattern you see in my lookups: suddenly, proper people get financial problems, and problems with law enforcement.

As I know from my fake cases, it's not even necessary that the stalking victims have done anything at all. As, on the record, the impersonator of a Court Commissioner stated, they KNEW I wasn't at the address they “served” me at, I might have never known. Who searches court sites for cases, when they know they didn't do anything illegal.

By the way, yesterday, I received another forged letter, pretending the court as dismissed the non-existing case. See HERE.

As you can see here, they can also hijack your email. I don't know how many years it was out of my control. I have reported in 2009 to the German FBI that my emails get deleted, redirected, and tampered with.

Data brokers only get signals from certain transactions, for instance financial, and if strangers' names are associated with your email (but not your own), it's not a good sign.

Recently, PayPal (not) sent me a “threatening” message from an old Gmail I account I (verifiably) have lost access over many years ago. Again, and again, I tried to convince Google that I can prove my ownership, because there's still an active email-forwarding to my new email. Again, and again, they refused to restore my access to this account.

Now I know that Google, for the longest time, was infested with stalkers, too. See my podcast episode “Is Onision's control over Google products strange.” The same applies to Facebook, who I was mad at for many years. I might never have reached Google, when trying to regain access to my account.

From my website, to closing my AdSense account for no reason at all or punishing my website for a hijacked sub-domain pointing to Cloudapp, and painful “support” chats, Google always gave me a hard time.

I do not have a PayPal credit card or other debt

The bozo Masculine (Miranda Teabo, Emma Schaefer, Erika from Amazon, Colleen and many more) stated during the fake hearing, that I'd owe “their client” PayPal for a credit card debt. It's news to me that they even issue credit cards. It might be.

In any way, they later changed to a different story, but PayPal never contacted me about any non-existing debt, neither did DNF. To my knowledge, it's not legal to file a debt case (for an expired debt or a credit card debt from a company that does not issue CCs) without prior contact, but if you're trying to serve a dead person or at an address you know they don't live at, it works.

Most gang stalking victims, in the end phase, have other problems. Financial difficulties, health concerns, problems because they're isolated, and so on.

I was declared dead in Germany since 2011. This is fixed now, but it gave the gang stalkers the confidence to do whatever they want, and take whatever they want. It's even possible I might get more than I'm owed, because they use dead people to launder money from companies they blackmail to an account they can access, while avoiding legal risks.

Masculine (of all people in the world, does it have to be lessest creature?) impersonated me in Germany. Hoping for a marriage with Marc.

So that you can see that these messages are from WITHIN my PayPal account, below find a few screenshots, and then (out of laziness) I copied the rest of the official letter.

If you read the first part, you might still remember the agent “Ransom”. What a choice of name when you're in the process of murdering someone, and try to get money for my life from someone else. I think I found them, in the neighborhood of pedo-looking persons, today.

Again, there is NO debt in my name. My rent is prepaid for the whole year. Baylor Rentals cannot sue anyone, because they do not own this house. The Shannon Baylor who writes up contracts here, is an impersonator. Even if Baylor Rentals owned this house, the impersonator owns nothing.

If Masculine tells that to the “on paper” owner, Geary Morales, she will have to expose that she, and only she, receives ALL tenantcloud payments from app. eight houses. They have a Geary Morales impersonator here, who also goes by “Tim Petri” (also not his name.) The real Geary Morales is a Cuban mafia boss. Clever choice of names.

I asked Geary Morales if he wants to evict me, and he said “never.”

So, Maskulin keeps the deposits, and places false legal cases, and scams the money. She also steals the belonging of everyone they stalk here, and has billions of $ and Euro and Bitcoin in numerous places. Masculine might have as many as 12 “shared” accounts, but always has an excuse why other cannot use them. Wesley Marks, might have another six. Folks like them would feel no compassion with their workers, and would always make up excuses. First this has to happen, then that, when in reality tenants are paying her every single month.

Wesley Marks is the reigning Onision. To my knowledge, he stopped paying his stalkers 5 – 7 months ago, while he could fill a small island with GOLD coins.

The PayPal Debit Card

Four times in a row, another owned-by-them company, Speedtalk placed unauthorized charges. Manually. The first part of the PayPal stalking is HERE.

After I requested information on customer service agent “Ransom” and a confirmation that famous Ruby player Noah really works as account manager for PayPal, I received this... no, hold on.. it's too much right now, there's a bunch of minor stalking chats/calls missing. I can produce them for a court trial, but I don't think there will be one. The Army is looking for these folks, together with the police, and associates.

Every name, email, and phone number mentioned, is fake. As with Amazon, it's impossible to reach PayPal.

The New World Order mass-murderer, steal every donation people who try to help me survive this sent. Plus 300K in other payments, while they tried to kill me in a 7 day-street hunt with kidnapping, and then pushed me through a mental facility, and then some. For nine months, I didn't have a phone, see QLINK and TruConnect, and my internet was spoofed. It didn't even run over my modem.

I had no way to know that they took several of my payments, and put them on some other PayPal account, I don't know about. Now, they tell me every day they come to kill me (with a simple electricity connection, that only works in prepared death-stalker houses, but they think they have “V2K” (which isn't even a technology for creating connections)), so that they can begin spending my money.

And then Masculine has about 3 Million of my money on one of her accounts, while Wesley Marks stole a small inheritance. Masculine went as far as stealing 45K Euro from the account of my old, sick mother in the hospital.

Please read every article about “little things” in the context of all of these things.


Message from “Andrew” from the “executive team”. Most of the time, it takes a tool to remove the voice changer effect.

Second email from "Andrew"

I will not even try to log in to this Gmail account. It is mine. But if anyone is using it (as much as accessing it directly, or accessing a PayPal account with this email), it's not me. I think it's just to get my IP involved.

The Milwaukee police will aid in getting my 300K plus unknown amount of donations back from PayPal. The drugged up “New World Order” went as far as telling the POLICE (real police), that the error has happened on the “banking” end, and they cannot help. I'm not sure this explanation makes sense on any level.

I leave this article half-finished (I have about 10 more stalking chats, two stalking phone calls, and then some, but it's too much to report), so that something gets out.

The main point here is: PayPal NWO stalkers steal my money, cut me off from communication with real PP, make a fool out of the police, and work – analog to Amazon – with 100% fake information. Neither before, nor during or after the non-existing case, did I receive ANY information about the alleged "credit card" debt (they later changed the wording, but are on record referring to CC debt), except that it's account number xxxxxxxx and the debt is from 2015.

Data Broker reports some fake PayPal emails/numbers:

List of fake PayPal CS numbers

I found this list in the PayPal community. I have not looked into them. It would be too risky, to leave any real information anywhere on the web, and they have tools to search for it.

PayPal Customer Service:
1 - 888 - 221 - 1161
1 - 402 - 935 - 2050

4:00 AM PST to 10:00 PM PST Monday through Friday
6:00 AM PST to 8:00 PM PST Saturday and Sunday

BUSINESS SUPPORT US: 1-888-215-5506
UK/IRL: +44 (0) 8707 307 191
BUSINESS SUPPORT UK: 08707301880, BS Email: business-support @
China: 86-21-2891-3401
Australia: 1-800-073-263
France: 0821 230 233
Germany: 0180 500 66 27
TeleSales DE: 0800 1012109
Spain: 902 885 248
Italy: 848 390 110
Switzerland: +49 180 500 66 27
Belgium: 070 359 905
Netherlands: 0900 2658950
Rest of Europe: 00 353 1 436 9111
Other countries: 001-402-935-2080