I found "Tim Stein" during a lookup of the Milwaukee police number. As calls don't go to the police, I wanted to see who data brokers associate with the numbers.
Guess who I found? "Tim Stein", the fake deputy from the 1st non-existing case, and the person who half-served me forged "court" documents for the 2nd case. "Half", because he left without my signature, after I mentioned "fake case."
That's him. He's now thinner, and the hair is short.
As I mentioned HERE, I received the second fake case.
You cannot believe my surprise when I saw Tim Stein. He's the impersonator of a County official from the first fake case, that didn't exist. See HERE.
He left his business card, and mentioned that I could call him any time.
At the beginning of the hearing, he had “Commissioner Rhodes” in his Zoom window. When I mentioned stalking and impersonation, the stream somehow broke, and I was presented with an aggressive black female that now had “Commissioner Rhodes” in her Zoom window. He had switched to “Deputy.” Could that really be the shady looking (on background reports) "Katryna Child-Rhodes."
To my knowledge (hearsay), the hearing was streamed on the gang stalker server. Not only did the Court Commissioner impersonator state, on the record, that they were told I don't live where they sent the order to appear at the fake hearing, she also said “stop the live stream.” Where else would a small claims hearing get streamed? National Television?
He was filmed, too, when he showed up here. I already had a fake order to appear at a Zoom hearing on the 26th, so that I was surprised to receive an in-person “invite” for two days before the Zoom hearing.
When “Timothy” (but it's not Tim Stein) presented me with the papers, I wanted to sign, but then somehow, when I mentioned “fake cases”, he rushed off. He does not have a signature that he did serve me.
When I tried to call later, after the email to them bounced, I reached “Colleen.” She might be a missing person, but here comes the killer: I'm 100% sure that this, too, was Masculine (fallen DEA agent ... with 100 names, such as Emma Schaefer, Miranda Teabo, Erika (at Amazon), and then some.)
All in all, my calls were not appreciated.
I called, and nobody picked up. They called back. I asked “Are you Benjamin”, they hung up.
Then I called the office number from the card, and reached “Colleen.” The call is below. To save time, so that I can get this to the police right away, I called a second time, and wanted her confirmation that they will reject my request for settlement. I'll still be fair and send it to Tim.
I'm not sure how they would pay with fake identities, so that a 2-day deadline will do.
My call with Masculine, the fallen DEA agent:
Someone who did not sound like Tim called me. I missed the call.
I called back two minutes later, and this was the call:
Well, so this is that. Do I have an in-person court date for a case that does not exist? With the impersonator from the first fake hearing, and Masculine, who I “met” as Amazon stalker, fake lawyer, asset scammer, and fake daughter of Patricia Teabo?
She was here, too. To visit the person who has a key for this unit, and every other unit.
The email from the website doesn't work. I hope that real Tim and real Colleen are ok. The reports are below. As Masculine provided an alternative email, I had sent my RfS to this, too. However, going by her performance until now, she would not have told “Tim.”
They were aggravated that I sent the email to stalked FBI agent, Benjamin, after the first email to the address mentioned on the website bounced. That he, too, is an FBI agent is hearsay, at this time.