When I first heard the name, I wondered if it's a female name. In my lookups (live-streamed on Facebook, and shared with law enforcement), I came across traces of a likable looking woman. She might be Shannon Baylor.
I was surprised when the person (it's botted, but recognizable) from the image below today broke in to
I'm not sure if any of the companies he claims on his LinkedIn profile have ever heard from him, and if he receives the request for settlement. Porchlight say they are not associated with him (image of the FB conversation is somewhere on this site.)
He appears to have no line of communication with real Baylor Rentals, who went to the police (hearsay). But he must know Miranda Teabo, who is stealing my bank accounts, doesn't he? According to the last and 2nd last Onision (the bros from hell), "Miranda" steals the rent payments, deposits, and all belongings of stalking victims in four houses. Who gave this person a key? According to their data broker reports, they're engaging in some creative asset transactions.
During my lookup, I came across a likable looking female. I think that's the real Shannon Baylor.
The in-person hearing of the non-existing case is in a little bit, the Zoom hearing for the non-existing case in two days. Do none of these gang stalkers ever communicate?