I'm not competitve in real life. I don't think. I just push forward with what I want to do, ignoring people who underestimate me or try to harm me. I really, really didn't care about your "oh, she's not a princess" comments. In Germany, we say: "Was juckt es den Baum, wenn der Hund sich daran kratzt."
Stephen Hawking is not disabled. His muscles were 100% gone, but we use EMS to help him. EMS pads. From Amazon. He got them via my product tester site. The only real Kennedy (Kennedy Jr) has no issues with his voice.
Many humans will be able to walk again, and lose other "disabilities." Sadly, that's not true for car crashes and injuries that really happened.
WAIT! Not to be mistaken with the damages they do to people here to cash in commission for walkers an other medical abuse.
The medical monsters HARM people, many they kill. I did you not.
Everyone in a walker (victim).. not the fake who might benefit from washing her hair every month or ever three months... but others.
It's manually attacking with EMS and picking spots where you can disable muscles or other bodily functions. With EMS. And that's what Cartels didn't know, didn't look for... the enemy from the outlet, that has been prepared by now dead people.