First, a nice young person I told my V about asked me if I want to be his Valentine. I thought it was strange, and I made sure that it's just a nice gesture, and not romantic. Not romantic.
Then another black person of a similar age tole (stalkers screams.. the staff will know it's all true, but they will still kick you out.. record it!!!!) I'm getting attacked now with the microwave they have on top of the panels or on top of the lift. This room heats up terribly, whenever they attack someone, even if it's not us.)
The following allegations have been shared by up to 4 persons (including the two black stalkers (V knows who they are) who also stole (the hunger one-time announcement, the ONLY one that was ever audible in my room) from me. They need to pay me back the now 850USD in NOW money (they have fake USD here, it has the wrong face) on my PayPal debit card, before they can make a single transactions, via me.
My plan was to ask a person here, if she wants to be "El Mencho" here for temp, but I'm not sure if they're ready to fight the mind control shit. It's too dangerous.
The plan was to destroy humanity, and take over the planet. Whether I die or not, that is impossible. We took back companies, wrote reasonable law, and about 3 Billion "Niggers" (yes, I said it here, because my blog is in the real time and one the real web (we're currently on a spoofed internet, all of us here, I'm on a special spoofed version they day, I think it's QAnon powered. QAnon is V, too. The real ones... BUT I hired 3 during my 2022 death hunt. One was accepted by the CIA (currently my ex), two were accepted by the FBI. The REAL FBI... yes, you hacked their account, but they are still real. They just know: Nothing the BIS doesn't make stick since LATEST (does not apply to fake M&A and some other things) will not stick.
On Wednesday, there's mandatory COVID testing. There IS no Covid. It was how the illuminati Nazis wanted to kill off the rest of us, most prominently, the ONLY 2.4 SURVIVORS from the US Army.
If they say it like this, it's always against you. My kidney damage from HAARP (they need it here to pretend we're in ... whatever time they play we're in), my knocked out teeth, chronic (likely) inflammations, etc.. the damage in my eye bc they tear my left lense ALWAYS at the same place).
They say they will lock me up on We
PS: What I mean by "black shits" are black HUMANS who might have acted bad. Like, shitty people. Who is helping in real Milwaukee right now are black community gang stalkers. After my death hunt in 2020, their life became increasingly hard. They didn't understand why I was saying they are stalking me, but they followed my content.
They get it now with "little" things.
A few are working for an opportunity (and pay.)
Because America is no more. There are 5k in what I called (rename it) "Amish America" .. it has Amish people, Mitt Romney, 19 black community stalkers I sent there, regular humans, and a ton of people who went to the police, after we were in touch. I'm the only one who got out of the killer CRC 4, in FAKE MKE in IL. Almighty Gnar helped. He sent someone. He's with the Black Shits, and nobody except stalkers mind the name. Over 260 black males cat called me during my 2020 death hunt. I can call them whatever I want.
Not Crystal or Tiffany, who I met after the 2020 death hunt, not the person who worked for my health insurance (she's white), not the psychiatrist (also white), not the 3 black females from the CRC North (AOC, a male drug dealer from Argentina paid the CRC leader 200USD and the Joy House (RIP) to "mistreat" me, but nobody did. They were .. a little nasty the first days, based on rumors like they share here.
Many real people are helping, also from the court, after I sent them a request for settlement for the fake trial BLACK COMMUNITY STALKERS posted in my name, and then some.
But humans form their own opinion.