The company keeps lying about not finding my account.
However, you can listen to the call where one of the stalkers admitted seeing it, and a second stalker call yourself.
Bank often ask me for the maiden name of my mother in the verification process. The stolen money stems mostly (not just) from an inheritance from that very family, the Caldwell family.
I will reopen the complaint with the following statements/questions:
Why were taxes paid from my account to the IRS?
To which account did a lawyer transfer shortly over 8 Million with the subject "Caldwell" (it's a 20-second search in your database). That's the maiden name of my mother, and my inheritance.
Why did a Capital One employee change my account number?
Why can the County, the IRS, and the Bank for International Settlements see my open account easily, but the "staff" of Capital One cannot?
Why can the banker at the bank I opened a temp account with see my open accounts?
What reason was Capital One told for the loss of their banking license?
Why did they switch to a spoofed website, if everything is peachy?
Why did one of the stalkers impersonating a banker SEE my open account? It's on the record (below.) The second stalker call (below) makes it 100% clear that these are stalkers who know my account is open.
How could someone without as much as a fake ID impersonate me at Capital One? As this happened in 2020, I would like to see what information they have on file regarding the process.
All together, and in combination with the other thefts and evidence, this screams murder.
I cannot tell you how stressful all this is, and I need medical attention urgently. As you know, I'm in a horror gang stalker-led homeless shelter, where maybe $30 USD of the $265 the government/County pays per day land at supporting me.
Capital One spoofed website traceroute
The first stalking calls with Capital One
(There's a lot of blabber in the beginning, starts at, like, the middle)
On this site, you will find information that I normally find unethical to share. Not illegal, because it's publicly available - but unethical. However, as you will learn and see, my (important) letters don't reach the recipients, my faxes don't go through, and I don't even have to try emails and phones. Local police was involved. That is even more unethical, and created a desperate situation.
Police (real police) is looking for these criminals for a long time. Using this site to troll or make YouTube drama videos might not be such a good idea. Nobody knows under which name Onision lives, and where. However, the information on this site is accessible to certain officials from Germany and the United States. Going public is painful for me, because I don't want to be associated with this "story" or identify as "survivor." I am not hiding my identity, and I cannot legally keep you from making me rank for this ... shit. It's up to you. If you want to support this project, you'll find a selection of my coaching products, and you can also become a premium member. Or just enjoy the most wicked, mysterious case you ever witnessed.
This case has some attention because Onision attacked several of my LinkedIn contacts. He nearly killed my mother and I've first reported him back in 2010 when the German FBI investigated.