Holiday Island

Holiday Island is their death island. The "hunters", a group of the sickest perverts in the world, hunts people to death there.

They have a real front end, though. Helmut Schoenherr delivered it. Plus a second non-person, I found via a lookup. A gang stalker landlord for fake evictions and "rapid rehousing" (SO FUNNY) murders.

My husband was nearly killed there.

They had my guinea pigs, Uwe and Sanchez, and Maya, my hamster, starved my ex, and tried to get him to eat them... but they just comforted him. Marc took Maya right after I had to leave Germany.

Do not ask me how they can still be alive. I know my husband is 100% against animals. He did agree to a donkey that lives with LebeGesund. They say they are forever pets. I do not comment on it.

I just think that the simulation... most is not real.

It feels real. But it's not. Everyone outside the godless voids also sees the penises I had put on their stolen black leasing cars, and their foreheads. They use a microwave point gun (short-range) for fake stitches. It's burns, really, of deep tissue, that's why they get so bad, and scratching does not help.

If they are forever pets, I'll constantly cook at Marc's place for us. It's not good for guinea pigs to travel. It stresses them too much.

That is something I cannot... verify. I have no information that makes this plausible, which does not mean its not. Do you start to realize how long the world was preparing for this war?

In any way...

They put El Babo there (at THAT time, there was no way out, but Marc had already left and my husband...), and the most dangerous animals in the world.

Babo did what V does. He built the 2nd largest cocaine cartel from there. I sent people .... or a different reason, not knowing he could not leave, and now they can. And they can use the infrastructue on the neighoring island, MY island Isla Margarita. It's not really an island, it's HAARP-made, but my islands stay my island, and... the contracts are fixed.

One of the two is ok. The one who got fake-shot. The one who got shot/shot, was not. https ://

On Holiday Island, the time goes fast. Very fast. It's a constant horror simulation. In ours, non-protected age 10 x as fast. They aged 31 years since 03/20. It does not check out, but you have to keep in mind the bozo was stealing time every day.

Babo shoots with me.. when I play Borderlands. You can't see him.

Was the blonde blonde, when I first called him that? https://www

On Holiday Island

Babo shoots along my gameplay in Borderlands. https://www .youtube. com/watch?v=85VzeLTd-6c&pp=ygUPY2FydGVsIGRlIHNhbnRh

On Holiday Island, where Griselda was, too. Marc got everyone out. A long time ago. Except El Babo, because he, unknowingly, stole biz from our other Colombian Cartel... he's now in Hashish. Fixed it.

That's my understanding. The problem drug dealer WAS the big one. They told him he stole business from Cartel de Santa, but that's not true, and also not relevant. Customers do not switch for no reason, and V, for instance, sends them back to the appropriate place in the downline. If a customer grows big, so does the discount of his original partner.

No channel conflicts, no skipping lines, is one of the few rules I made. https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=xxrK8J88jiM&pp=ygUPY2FydGVsIGRlIHNhbnRh

On holiday island