First Federal Savings did not lose their license

After discovering the massive and murderous crimes committed by the organization, "First Federal Bank of Ohio", the Bank for International Settlements investigated First Federal Savings, an associated crime organization.

However, they could not revoke the banking license of this Illuminati-led New World Order institution, because they operated without a valid license.

A speaker for the Bank for International Settlements explained: "In the history of the Bank for International Settlements, we did come across a similar case."

This statement carries significance, as the sophisticated, superior panel has been formed in 1930.

The ability of this Illuminati organization to perform any transactions (automated or manual) has been removed.

All accounts are frozen. However, it is more than unlikely that customers will receive their stolen funds back. Unlike other banks that lost their banking licenses in the biggest clean-up in the history of the BIS, the bank broke every law in the book, and doesn't have the funds to payout their customers.

As the Army is targeting this group of mass murderers who kill over 500 people monthly, there might or might not be a way for you to take them to court.

An Army speaker explains: "This is war. Citizens are stalked to death world-wide by this group who slaughter innocent people under the brand name "Illuminati". Over 400 US citizens die every month, and the group is targeting US law enforcement agencies, such as the Secret Service, CIA, and FBI. Furthermore, we suffered from poison attacks by this group. Poison was found in our water, food supplies, as well as medicine our brave soldiers received. While they mostly kill US citizens, they also murder people all over the world, and claim their acting on the behalf of the US government, CIA, and FBI."

The tools this group that refers to themselves as "New World Order" uses, have been stolen from the CIA more than a decade ago. Another theft occured in 2016. See HERE

How you can help your country

While this is a silent war, and you don't hear detonations, it's still a deadly war, that costs at least 480 American lives every single month. That doesn't count forced suicides. All US institutions have been heavily attacked, and don't perform at their peak. Your country is broke.

Please do your part and

  • do not use any government resources you don't need
  • understand that our law enforcement is recovering from electronic weapon attacks
  • the Army has been heavily injured
  • until a few months ago, the source of the attacks was unknown (and nobody expected close to 700 call center agent could be responsible for the most deadly event in the history of the United States)
  • keep in mind that many folks, influential people, and even government employees lost access to their social media accounts and other accounts
  • be mindful of voices that use inflammatory speech, to divide you and your government further
  • this isn't about Dem or GOP. This is humans vs monster.

Your country needs you.

Also see: List of financial institutions who lost their banking license, in the biggest purge in the history of banks