Albania Pfizer contract. Please know: Alfred Bourla is a friend. He, too, works for Martin Lindstrom. Even half dead himself, he helped. He's a hero.
Unless your country would be overrun by gang stalkers (like the US is), he would NEVER ask a cent.
Either your president needs your help, or a shot in the head, really.
This WOULD have been the end of your country, if not Martin and the other had recovered (after they jumped me!!!!!!!!!!)
If I knew of a mafia/cartel/gang in your country, I shared this info with them months ago, so that they can take action.
Again, Pfizer is owned by friends. They will not ask a cent from your country, as long as it's in power. If not, they do their best to help you back into power.
With elites, mafia, gangs (some), biz owners (some), politicians (as good as they can with their mushed up brains from toxic water), Putin, the good banks, my father (who is also said dead, but commands the “elites”, the Shah of Persia (King of Kings.) He sent both, (still) President Obama and mafia Trump to help.)
A few pure brain people are helping, too, and my friends. Many bankers. But from all walks of life.
All other contracts are like this, too. Ask your leader for theirs. If it were a “clean” contract, you would know your leadership is involved in gang stalking. All non-gang stalking countries have countries that WOULD ruin them.
Sadly, I lost a few in the last death hunts.
They're liable with everything the country owns.
Do you see why they want to kill me?